A Good Way (Or Not) to Lose 3 Lbs
Food poisioning or stomach flu--I'm not sure which I had, but it's kind of looking like the latter right now. I woke up feeling nauseous Monday night/Tueday morning, and from that point on, I had something coming out of my body at one end or the other about once an hour, or when I tried to put something back in. Even if I drank too much water at once, it came back up. This continued for almost 24 hours. Initially, I thought I had got food poisioning from some bad grapes I had eaten a little while before bed, but now, because my stomach still doesn't feel 100% today (Thursday), I believe that I had a stomach flu.
Now for the weight loss part. Because I had no calories going in (and staying in) for almost 24 hours, and had my digestive system flushed, I lost about 3 pounds. I'm going to see if I can keep some of that weight off by using a little portion control when eating my meals. Right now that won't be too hard as my stomach is still not feeling 100%, but later it might be. It should be an interesting experiment.
So thats how you guys get fast....you get sick. All this eating healthy tips and you're telling me it only takes a rotten grape to lose weight, sign me up for two grapes!!
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