Wednesday, March 05, 2008

I'm Baaaack!

The '08 racing season has gotten off to an early start. So early, in fact, that I have never raced in the middle of February before. Just over two weeks ago, I raced the Valley of the Sun stage race in Phoenix for the first time. I've known of the race for many years, but have never made the trip, most recently because the middle of February is a reeeally early to start a race season for most people (including me until this year). However, I am now trying out the race-year-round thing, as my last race of last year was in mid December at the Colorado State CX (Cyclocross for the uninitiated) Championships. That makes two whole months of "off-season". Typically my off seasons have been around six months.
Why the short off season you might ask? We'll, frankly, I'd rather be racing than training. With six months of no racing, I'm usually going out of my mind by February. So call it a doctor prescribed anti-psychotic.
My sanity has been good, but I've been unlucky with my health. I've gotten sick twice since the new year, and the second one was a doozy. I'd say I've only felt worse once in my life, and that time was most likely a severe case of food poisoning. This time was the flu, and I conveniently came down with it the Monday before Valley of the Sun. The eternal optimist, I never once seriously considered not going to the race. Turns out that I was pretty lucky (considering the circumstance), as had the race been one day sooner, I probably wouldn't have been well enough to do it.
Being well enough to race and being a hundred percent--let's just say there was no overlap there. Friday's race was a psychologically difficult time trial--a dead flat out-and-back course, with the only feature being a slight bend in the road. Surprisingly, I finished 58th--surprising because I beat over 40 percent of the field. All excuses aside, though--the guys from California and Arizona are definitely flying this time of the year.
Saturday brought a 90 mile road race, which had 400 feet of climbing per 16 mile lap. Typically, when you see that type of topography, you picture a pretty flat course. Surprise, surprise--these 400 feet came in about 3 miles, making for a fairly nasty hill, at least for someone in my condition. I had no idea if I could even ride 90 miles, but I was determined to do my best to not get dropped. I spent most of the day hanging out in the back of the group, and in the last two miles, I watched a good majority of the field ride away from me. I lost 1 minute 12 seconds to the winner, yet I moved up into the top 50 percent in the overall classification.
Sunday was the criterium, and under wonderfully warm, sunny skies was the last battle for me to survive. The race was uneventful, and though I finished with the main group (same time), I somehow moved up a few more spots in the overall classification, to finish 46th overall for the 3 days. Normally a dismal result for me in a stage race, but given the circumstances, I'm going to call it a pretty good time.
Phoenix is nice this time of year--short sleeves type of weather. I'd forgotten how different the Arizona desert is from New Mexican desert. They are separated by a mountain range, and about 5000 feet of elevation, and that can make all the difference. The Seguaro cactus (you know, the one with the "arms") is everywhere in the low Arizona desert, and in some areas make interesting looking "forests".
All in all, the trip was a good time, and I look forward to the coming weeks and more racing adventures.