Sunday, October 26, 2008

Geoff Kubush must think I'm stalking him

I saw Geoff Kabush (the World Cup and Olympic mountain biker) again today. He wasn't on his bike this time, but was running with his dog on the trails that I went for a mountain bike ride on. He has to be living really close to me, because I see him more than I see people that I actually know. I've got to stop and talk to him sometime. Training with him certainly wouldn't make me any slower. And Kabush, in the event you Google your name and come across this post, post a comment if I haven't creeped you out yet.

On another note, my friend Catherine has come to a couple of cyclocross races, and has taken some pics of me. Awesome.


At 11/03/2008 11:03 PM, Blogger Admin1 said...

Justin, check out the new cycling site for the Fort


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